Cloud Computing

Python 2 to Python 3 Migration: Introduction  In the computer field there daily technology comes and will regularly update. We need to use the application with the latest technology and libraries for better understanding, efficiency and reduce cost of time.  There is a possibility that the application is developed in particular technology and it is […]
Introduction Python is very useful for accessing web data. Here we explain how we can extract the website data and work on that. The regular expression, Beautiful Soup, and urllib are used to get the data from websites. Regular Expression We can search any substring from a string, convert the string into a list, and […]
Introduction If you’re a startup founder, the focus is always on to do more with less. You have to find a way to get your product to market quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Founders have to worry about all aspects of an enterprise from HR to Efficient Tech Team to Marketing. With the increasing population of […]
Introduction As the world copes up with the latest COVID-19 variant, the impact on business plans to restart and reach previous levels is getting hampered across industries leading to operational challenges for organizations. Companies especially Startups are finding it difficult to adapt to the new market needs and expectations generated as a result of this […]