Microservice Based Architecture

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The chief product software architect is the single most critical hiring for businesses undergoing digital transformation.

Software Architecture Microservices
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A software architect promotes the development of software applications via their strategic role. It intersects software design, development, quality control, and project management. Software architects are also application architects, technical architects, solution architects, and enterprise architects. Although work may differ from firm to company, the essential responsibilities of the position remain the same.

The choices made by a software architect will have a significant influence on the product’s function, design, and performance. That’s why you need to hire a software architect from Techify. If you are looking for a solid software architect – You are at the right place.

Why Would You Choose the Software Architecture Microservices From Techify?

Microservices may be distinguished from monolithic systems because monolithic designs seek to develop software as a single, self-contained entity, which necessitates several iterations of the same program if only minor modifications are to be made. Techify Software architects possess various technical abilities in standards, best practices, and software development. They also possess soft skills that allow them to interact effectively with their colleagues, lead teams, and make work easier for everyone.

When recruiting a software architect for your team, you must verify that they possess the necessary skills and any additional relevant talents for your project and vacancy.

  • Flexible hiring model
  • 100% customer satisfaction
  • Standard coding practice
  • Cost Optimization
  • High Security & NDA
  • Post Development Services

Our Expertise in Microservice Design and Architecture Services

Techify’s team of experts clearly understands software architecture microservices and software architectural concepts and how to put them into practice. A software architect’s ability to assess a project’s needs and then design and build a suitable solution is crucial.

Together, our domain-driven architecture in microservices experts can take your business growth to another level. You can hire software architect for

  • Microservices Architecture & Administration.

    Consider current best practices to create a plan for the infrastructure supporting microservices development. Strategies for deployment and a selection of deployment mechanisms include docker, GIT, ECS, EKS, and others. In addition to our extensive experience with MicroServices, we are well-versed in CI/CD Integration using various technologies.

  • Microservices Development & Consulting using Node.js

    Create GraphQL-based or Lambda-based microservices with the help of Apollo and then deploy them using Express, Koa, Senecajs, loopback, or any of the other available microservice frameworks.

  • Microservices Consulting

    Clients may rely on Techify for thorough advice on implementing a Microservice Architecture. As a result of their extensive training, our programmers can determine which services will best serve your company.

  • Business Analysis

    WeblineIndia’s developers recognize that every company has its own unique set of requirements, and they make every effort to help you zero in on the areas where microservices may impact your company’s success most. Further, we provide reports on various IT project management approaches, including identifying requirements, analyzing processes, managing risks, and so on.

Why Techify for hiring software architects?

Techify has a team of the industry’s most talented programmers thanks to their mastery of Microservices architecture and ability to grasp your company’s inner workings with ease. We provide beneficial options for both small and expanding businesses, as well as for large corporations. More than 10+ years in the industry have given us an intimate familiarity with the intricacies of software solutions.

  • Security and Compliance
  • On-time delivery
  • Quick project kick-off
  • Complete transparency
  • Unit and security testing
  • High Security & NDA
  • Critical Thinking and Agile Methodology
  • Open channel of communication

Why Should You hire a software architect?

Approximately 77% of businesses had adopted microservices as of 2020, according to the Microservices Adoption in 2020 report.

  • Ease in scalability

    One of the key reasons to consider using microservices pipeline design services from Techify is that they make application development more flexible and allow for easy scalability.

  • Usage of DevOps & Cloud Effectively

    Support, security, deployment, maintenance, and rollback are just some of the phases of the application lifecycle that are simplified by using microservices.

  • 100% Customer Satisfaction

    You should enjoy utilizing our services as much as we do. Assuming this is the case, we will work together to determine an approach that fully addresses your needs.

  • No Hidden Cost

    When you collaborate with us on any project, we make sure that you do not face any extra costs or charges from us.

  • Better Division of Responsibility

    By breaking monolithic software into smaller pieces, called “MicroServices,” it may be worked on and tested separately by many groups.

  • Huge Cost Savings

    We guarantee the lowest prices available. Our services are reasonably priced, allowing you to expand your business with little impact on your cash flow. Everyone in our team takes tremendous satisfaction in their job.

Our Business Models

Here are three business models to check before hiring a software architect from Techify.

  • BOT

    With BOT (Build, Operate, and Transfer), we will set up your offshore development center in India, including resource recruitment and training, office & infrastructure setup, team scaling, and delivery management.

  • T & M

    The time and Material model is best suited for projects that are not sure about the fixed time or materials involved in the project development. It delivers ultimate flexibility to the client or the project owner with team management.

  • SOW Based

    The Statement of Work or Fixed-Based Model has detailed everything and fixed it since day one of the contracts. It includes defining and agreeing on the fixed project scope, development, delivery, and support.

frequently asked questions

This section covers a broad range of topics as a valuable resource for clients, providing them with quick and easy access to information that can help them make informed decisions about Techify Solutions' techonologies

What are Microservices?

Microservice architecture is an alternative approach to software development that emphasizes the creation of small, specialized modules with well-defined interfaces and activities. It has gained popularity as businesses strive towards Agile transformations through the use of DevOps and continuous testing.

Which firms are known to have microservices?

Companies like Amazon, Best Buy, Capital One, Coca-Cola, Comcast, eBay, Etsy, Netflix, PayPal, SoundCloud, Twitter, Uber, and others have already embraced microservices. The architecture can completely transform the structure of an organization’s technology delivery.

What additional kinds of advantages does Techify have over its competitors?

Techify Immense experience and skill, gained through working on hundreds of Web and Mobile Application projects, provide a great beginning to projects, allowing customers to save a lot of time and effort.

What are the key benefits of microservices?

A few of the key benefits of microservices are:

  • Simpler to deploy
  • Simpler to understand
  • Reusable across business
  • Minimized risk from change
Why Techify for Microservices Development?

Techify employs some of the industry’s most talented programmers thanks to their mastery of Microservices architecture and ability to grasp your company’s inner workings with ease. We provide beneficial options for both small and expanding businesses, as well as for large corporations. 

As one of the most reputable web development firms, what is Techify’s success mantra?

Great Web and Mobile Apps on Time thanks to Agile Methodology, Comprehensive Documentation, Powerful Web and Mobile Frameworks, and a Rock-Solid Techify.

I have a question that is not addressed on this page; what should I do?

For any questions, you may write to us at info@techifysolutions.com.