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Flutter – A best use case against Native Apps

Flutter – A best use case against Native Apps

In the previous article we talked about how to Get Started with Flutter . In this article, we will talk about why flutter over native apps and a few use cases for flutter.

Flutter vs Native Apps

The fact that Flutter has so many advantages for app development makes it a great option for both small and big organizations. It has been well-liked among companies that offer mobile app development services as a premier cross-platform application development framework. Let’s examine a few crucial facts that emphasize Flutter’s benefits for designers and developers:

1. Open Source Advantage:

One of the key advantages of Flutter is that it is an open-source software development toolkit provided by Google. Being open-source brings several benefits to Flutter programmers.

  • It allows easy access to the source code, enabling developers to understand and customize the framework according to their specific requirements.
  • The open nature of Flutter encourages active participation from the developer community. This fosters a collaborative environment where developers can share knowledge, exchange ideas, and contribute to the growth of the platform.
  • It also means that developers can leverage the collective wisdom and expertise of the community, leading to continuous improvements and updates.
  • The availability of comprehensive documentation and developer forums makes it easier for programmers to troubleshoot issues and seek guidance.
  • The open-source nature of Flutter ultimately enhances the efficiency, productivity, and overall development experience, resulting in reduced project time and cost.

2. Efficiency across Platforms:

Flutter excels as a cross-platform framework, allowing programmers to write code once and use it across several platforms. As required by native frameworks, this does away with the necessity to create different codebases for iOS and Android.

Applications running on both operating systems can be smoothly powered by a single codebase thanks to Flutter. By using a more efficient process, developers may concentrate on making applications with lots of features and for longer periods of time.

The removal of platform-specific code also ensures uniform operation across devices while saving money on the costs of keeping separate teams for each platform. Businesses may cut costs and shorten time to market without sacrificing the functionality and quality of their applications by utilizing Flutter’s cross-platform efficiency.

3. Accelerated Development Time:

By enabling developers to write code once and deliver it across several platforms, Flutter’s cross-platform nature also speeds up development. By doing away with the requirement for distinct codebases for iOS and Android, significant time and effort are saved. Flutter’s accelerated development process allows developers to concentrate on creating high-quality applications while releasing them to market more quickly than ever before.

4. Dart as a Powerful Programming Language:

Flutter leverages the Dart programming language for app development. Dart is an object-oriented language known for its versatility and powerful features. It boasts a rich standard library, which provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and utilities to streamline their coding process.

Dart also offers features like garbage collection, strong typing, generics, and async-await, making it a robust and reliable language for building Flutter applications. Drawing inspiration from popular languages like Java, Dart combines the best features from various programming paradigms, resulting in a developer-friendly and intuitive language.

Its support for reactive programming allows developers to handle common tasks efficiently, enabling faster and more streamlined development workflows. With Dart as the programming language of choice, Flutter empowers developers to create high-quality and feature-rich apps with ease.

5. Rapid Iteration with Hot Reload:

Flutter offers a distinctive feature called hot reload, which revolutionizes the development process. With hot reload, developers can witness real-time updates and changes to their code instantly. This means that designers and developers can iterate and experiment with different features, UI elements, and functionalities without having to wait for lengthy compilation times or restarting the application.

The seamless integration of changes allows for uninterrupted workflow, enhancing developer productivity and significantly reducing the time required to build a robust application. As a result, the cost of development is also optimized, as the rapid iteration and immediate feedback provided by hot reload enable efficient use of resources and streamlined development cycles. By leveraging this powerful feature, Flutter empowers developers to iterate swiftly and efficiently, resulting in faster app development and cost savings for the overall project.

6. Exceptional Native-Like Performance:

When you choose to hire mobile app developers for building applications on Flutter, you can expect exceptional performance of the application across all platforms. This performance is attributed to the utilization of the Dart programming language, known for its speed, simplicity, and efficient compilation into native code. Flutter ensures that your applications run smoothly and deliver a native-like experience to users. Whether it’s iOS or Android, Flutter enables developers to create applications that exhibit outstanding speed and responsiveness, enhancing the overall user experience.

7. Seamless Integration with Native Features:

A rich selection of widgets and UI elements are offered by Flutter, but it also supports seamless connection with native features and APIs via platform channels. This means that by gaining access to and using native functionalities as needed, developers may fully utilize iOS and Android devices. Flutter enables developers to seamlessly utilize the native features of each platform, whether it is via device sensors, camera capabilities, or platform-specific APIs. With the help of this integration, developers will have the freedom and flexibility to include platform-specific features in their Flutter applications, boosting user interaction and utilizing the full potential of the target devices.

8. Vibrant developer community:

Flutter is supported by a strong developer community that actively contributes to the development of the framework. This dedicated community actively contributes to Flutter’s development, making it better every day. The quantity of information and resources given by seasoned developers within the community is helpful to newcomers to Flutter.

Developers may easily interact, cooperate, and get advice from other Flutter fans thanks to a variety of online forums, discussion groups, and social media platforms. Flutter’s focus on the community makes sure that programmers get assistance, ideas, and solutions to problems they run across when creating apps.

9. Flexible Custom Widgets:

Flutter empowers developers with a vast array of customizable widgets, streamlining the app creation process. These widgets serve as building blocks for designing user interfaces, making it easier and faster to craft visually appealing app layouts. With Flutter’s custom widgets, developers can create UI elements that seamlessly adapt to various resolutions, screen sizes, and platforms.

Additionally, Flutter allows for widget composition, enabling developers to wrap one widget inside another to combine and enable different functionalities. This flexibility and versatility of custom widgets provide developers with the creative freedom to design unique and interactive user interfaces for their applications. With Flutter’s extensive widget library, developers can efficiently create engaging and adaptive app experiences across multiple platforms.


Flutter is always a preferred option when it comes to the UI tasks and business logic. If you compare flutter with Native app development then Native app development is ahead when it comes to underlying hardware APIs access. If your application does not have platform specific UI requirements or hardware dependencies then flutter is your go to option as it will save your resources and time both.