Informational Blogs

Introduction to Flutter Apps Optimization In the First Part of our optimization journey, we focused on refining your code-base to boost performance , how efficient widget usage, avoiding unnecessary rebuilds, and leveraging  const and final constructors can significantly increase Flutter app’s performance. In this part, We’ll focus on enhancing state management by choosing the best […]
What is State Management? State management refers to the process of managing the state of an application. The state is a piece of an object that holds the data that can change over time and affect the looks(rendering) and behavior of the application. State Management in React React allows us to create dynamic web applications. […]
In today’s fast-paced tech world, getting software out the door quickly and reliably is crucial for businesses. DevOps automation services, especially Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD), are game-changers in making this happen. Let’s dive into what these services are all about and how they make the deployment process smooth and efficient. What is […]
What is Flutter? Flutter is an Open source development kit developed by Google. It is introduced in 2018.They mainly focus on the development of mobile applications. But now  it supports six platforms. Android, iOS, web, windows, macOS and Linux. It allows developers to make a website, desktop and cross-platform applications which allow developers to create […]
What Is Web Scraping? Why Is Web Scraping Used? Web scraping is used for several important purposes, including: Is Web Scraping Legal? The legality of web scraping depends on the website’s terms of service and the manner in which data is extracted.It is crucial to respect website policies and use the collected data ethically. Web […]
Introduction to Google Authentication Modern mobile apps often require user authentication to provide personalized experiences and secure access to data. Authentication systems such as traditional username/password, Single Sign-On (SSO), and social logins serve this purpose. Among these, Google Authentication stands out due to its simplicity and familiarity. This blog will guide you through setting up Google […]
Introduction In the fast-paced digital age, keeping users engaged with your mobile app is more challenging than ever. With countless apps vying for attention, how can you ensure that your app remains relevant and continues to capture user interest? Enter push notifications—a powerful tool to enhance user engagement and retention. What Are Push Notifications? Push […]
Introduction to Managing Multiple Environments with Terraform Infrastructure as a code (IAC) allows you to manage infrastructure through configuration files rather than through graphical interface. Terraform allows you to define resources and infrastructure in human readable and declarative configuration files. Terraform stores resources metadata in a state file which can be used later to update […]
Introduction: Choosing the correct framework is essential for developing scalable and reliable solutions in the field of web application development. Among the several options accessible, Frappe Framework stands out as a robust and powerful that streamlines the development process while providing a diverse set of features and functionalities. We’ll go into the world of Frappe […]