Cloud Computing

Introduction to Managing Multiple Environments with Terraform Infrastructure as a code (IAC) allows you to manage infrastructure through configuration files rather than through graphical interface. Terraform allows you to define resources and infrastructure in human readable and declarative configuration files. Terraform stores resources metadata in a state file which can be used later to update […]
Introduction to Application Deployment with Kubernetes In the previous article on Setting up a Kubernetes, we understood the architecture of Kubernetes (k8s) and learned about the basic setup of Kubernetes. In this article, we will start the Application Deployment with a Kubernetes cluster and understand the management of pods. Understanding Kubernetes Objects Kubernetes has a […]
Introduction CI/CD with Jenkins What is Continuous Integration (CI) (CD) ? Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CD) are practices in software development that aim to unify and automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code changes to different environments, such as staging, testing, and production. They are leading components of modern software development […]