Content Management System (CMS) Development for Mediflix

Mediflix is the first streaming video health platform delivering information, inspiration, strategies, and innovation for patients and caregivers living with chronic diseases.

Project Brief about Mediflix

  • Client


  • Industry


  • Team Size

    Team Size

    7 Engineers

  • Project Tenture

    Project Tenture

    12 months


Mediflix provides accurate information, access to the best knowledge and engagement from world-class medical institutions and practitioners with personalized information.

Mediflix has assembled world renowned experts, global medical institutions, Research Foundations, and Disease Specific Communities to provide accurate, up-to-date, and relevant information critical to those looking for answers, guidance and the connections to manage their health concerns.

Project Requirements

The project has been strategically segmented into two key components: the Website and the CMS Admin Portal.

Focus on CMS Admin Portal

Our primary focus has been on developing the CMS Admin Portal, empowering clients with seamless control over all aspects of website content management.

Centralized Content Management

The CMS Admin Portal serves as a dynamic, centralized hub where clients can efficiently oversee and update various content details. This ensures a responsive and tailored user experience on the website.

Robust Content Management Solution

The CMS Admin Portal emerges as a robust solution, offering clients an intuitive interface to manage content elements effectively. This enhances their ability to adapt and curate the website in real-time.


Dashboard: Here clients can see the different analytics for the different content.

Upload & Track Media: Clients can upload multiple images and videos. They can also track the progress and status for each image/video. We have used Brightcove SDK/Player to access and stream the video streaming in our Content Manager.

Image Library Management: Clients can view and manage all the uploaded images from the image library. They can view folder wise images and search any image.

Content Management: Clients can manage all the Video and Audio from the content module. They can create/edit, search and filter with different criteria. Also they can bulk update the content by selecting different filter criteria. Here all the added content can be linked with different collections to appear on the website.

Expert Profile Management: Clients can create the doctor profile from the Expert module. They can manage all the information.

Banner Creation & Configuration: Clients can create different banners from the banner module. They can configure all the banner information from here. They can also create a dynamic actions button for a particular banner.

Collection Management: This is the major module which is used to manage the content in a website. There are different types of collections and based on those types its appears in different layouts on the website. Here clients can manage the different content to collection. They can also rearrange content sequences as well. They can filter the collection with different criteria.


The successful revamp of Custom CMS development for Mediflix demonstrated the importance of implementation of the CMS Admin Portal which equips clients with powerful tools for comprehensive content management. By providing intuitive interfaces for analytics, media uploads, image library organization, content management, expert profiles, banner creation, and collection management, clients can efficiently curate and control their website’s content. This robust solution ensures a dynamic and responsive user experience, allowing clients to adapt their websites in real-time to meet evolving needs and preferences.

Services Offered

  • Product Development

    Transform Your Ideas Into Reality With Our Excellent Website Development Services. Crafting Innovative Solutions For Your Business.

    ReactJS (MUI) Node.js Android IOS
  • Application Testing

    We Offer Comprehensive Testing For Your Product, From Beginning To End, To Ensure Seamless Functionality.

    selenium with java Functional Testing